How do I get Naloxone (Narcan)?

There are several ways to get naloxone here in Philadelphia.

There are several ways to get naloxone here in Philadelphia. 

1. Go to your local pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for a prescription of naloxone using the Standing Order. The standing order allows any pharmacist in Pennsylvania to dispense naloxone to a member of the general public without an individual prescription.

2. Get a prescription from your doctor. Anyone can ask your doctor to write you an individual prescription for naloxone that can be filled at your local pharmacy. 

3. Attend a training with the Department of Public Health or attend one of the upcoming naloxone distribution days at public libraries throughout the city.

4. Uninsured or can’t afford to pay? Prevention Point Philadelphia provides naloxone based on ability to pay. 

For more information about naloxone in Philly go here.